Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I feel it all

I have been having a lot of feelings lately. I will strive to succinctly summarize them.

Today was the last day of my New Testament class. I had been looking forward to it quite a bit. My friend Trent and I love that class. We trade off bringing treats for each other. After class we usually walk together and discuss real things, bearing testimony of the infinite and intimate intercession made on our behalf by our sweet, merciful, loving Savior. I will miss that.

Unfortunately, our professor could not attend our last class. We were both saddened that he couldn't make it. He is a truly incredible man. The woman filling in for Brother Bartholomew read John 20:15.
"Jesus saith unto her, Woman, who weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir if thou have borne him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him away."
Today I felt for Mary. I didn't just feel for Mary, I felt as Mary. Grief-stricken and literally hopeless, she longs for and clings to the only things she believes she has left of Jesus...his lifeless, bruised, beaten, battered body.

As I approached a crosswalk near the Snell building, an olive green hatchback Passat was making a left hand turn. I peered at the driver. She was beautiful. Shoulder-length brown hair with a natural wave. Olive skin with a porcelain sheen. She was crying. Her shoulders shook with sobs. Her sorrow broke my hearth a thousand times at once. Tears raced down her cheeks. Her mouth open as if she felt it necessary to scream something, but unable to formulate sounds let alone a word.

I don't know why that young woman was so sad. But I felt it. I began to cry with her, although her Passat had already disappeared from my view. When I could be alone I pled with our Father for her to be comforted. Will you pray for her with me?

There is something else I would very much like to discuss. Briefly.

I love kids. I think they are awesome. IT is not a secret that I want to have at least 12 kids.

A few weeks ago when expressing this sentiment and my desire to begin my family, a dear friend of mine asked 'you would have a kid before you graduate?!'

This statement shocked me for a moment. I would have never expected a question like that from my friend. I then pointed out how by the time I met someone, dated, got engaged and then married and how it takes 9 months to cook a baby anyway I would probably/definitely be done with school by then.

I wish I hadn't answered that. That is not my answer. This is my answer: "Absolutely!"

I plan to finish college. It is more important to me than anyone knows. However, I would without question take time off from school to support my husband and/or raise my kids. If you want, you can blame Barack Obama.

As he continues to advocate for a woman's right to choose to take away someone else's right to choose, more and more women are and will be getting abortions. With my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and how many of Heavenly Father's children need to come to earth before my Savior can come again, it would be the highest point of enmity to assume that anything I have to do in my life is more important that allowing someone else to have one.

I believe with my whole hart that I am a natural mother. Any words that I can think of would only cheapen the tender feelings I have fore every child I see.

It sufficeth to say that I feel. so much.

From Stardust:
"You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it. I've seen centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain and lies. Hate...It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But to see the way that mankind loves...You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful."
I have peace in my heart despite the sadness so prevalent in our world. How? John 16:33.

"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

I think it is clear that, quite literally, Jesus wants us to peace out.


Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

I love the way you write. There are some many great parts of this blog entry. Here are some of my thoughts:

1) We should hang out and go to the temple or something...Something to facilitate an AWESOME gospel discussion.
2) I think that's the way our Savior feels when we are sad. He sees us and it doesn't matter why we are crying because when we sorrow, he sorrows.
3) Reading this section made me take a serious look at my priorities. A reevaluation is in order.
4) You are great!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

That's beautiful Chaela. I've never thought of it quite like that.

Out of my siblings and parents I am the only one in my family who can have children. Although being a parent someday completely scares me to death, the gratitude for a body that can function properly is a beautiful and sacred thing.

It makes me sad that people frown upon that sacred ability or would abort a child that could otherwise be lovingly placed into a family like I have had the opportunity to have.

B said...

Awww that was a good post! You can come babysit Maeli anytime. Are you going home for the summer????