Monday, May 04, 2009

boys could understand girls if they listened to me. Or Jennifer Aniston. Also, Miss Cleo.

I recently re-watched a movie entitled 'The Breakup.'

The first time I saw this movie I remember making a prediction that I would probably never see it again. This wouldn't seem like a big deal to someone like my mother who only watches movies once. I, on the other hand, am a repeat movie watcher. I can't help it.

So I think when I originally saw this movie I thought it wasn't all that entertaining, moved slowly, and ended poorly.

The second time I saw it (it was on the USA network the other night and I was all alone in a house in Highland...I had to do something) I was amazed at how squarely the writers of the film hit the proverbial 'battle of the sexes' nail on the head.

If any boy wants to understand girls he needs to watch 'The Break-up' with a girl, and pause to discuss when he has questions. Just like when boys try to explain football to you. But they don't pause it and they get distracted and it gets annoying and you don't learn anything.

Watching this movie felt like intruding on something really personal. The feelings they were experiencing were real and made them vulnerable.

I wonder: if a boy really did watch 'The Break-up' with a girl and pause to discuss when he had questions and had the mental/emotional processes explained to him if he would still understand. Sometimes there are fundamental differences that can not be resolved, although they must be acknowledged.

For example, International Development. I'm interested in it. I read about it sometimes. I think about it. I have questions. I find the answers.

I had a great discussion today with a friend about International Development and economics. He knows a lot more than I do. I like listening to him and asking him questions. He has good ideas. I agree with him. We don't know why everyone else doesn't agree with us either. It all makes too much sense. Somewhere, in the fabric of human intellect, there lay fundamentally opposite ideals for how to achieve the same goal. Can they change? I argued earlier today that they could. was I wrong?

...probably not. peace out!


Barry said...

I need to see this movie, apparently.

Maybe you should make a questionnaire for guys to follow? Ya know, just to guide our minds.

By the way, I found your blog through buddhaatemychurro. Have a good day!

mustdestroyalltraces said...

i feel you on the repeat movie watching. i think i only own one something like seven films. however, i've probably watched each of the upwards of five times each. how else is one to master all available quotes? answer me that, one-timers!

and i approve of the shout-out to miss cleo. glad your keeping her memory alive.

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

So, I really don't like that movie...but I like your cute little fermata.