Monday, February 07, 2011

I'm filled with new scripture

You know you've been in an area too long when you've memorized the 16-digit code needed to log into the library's computer system!

Yes, I'm being transferred.

Leaving Arnold is sad. Bishop Kimbrough had me come up and bear my testimony at the end of Sacrament meeting. It was hard. I've lived here for a long time!!! 7.5 months! I know these people really well! Some of us cried. We all hugged and this next few days is full of quick visits for pictures and final goodbyes. I'll be okay...It's definitely time for a change! But it is definitely BITTER-sweet.

Don't worry! I'm not depressed or anything. I've been emotionally preparing myself to leave Arnold for 6 weeks now. I just want you to know that this is a very special place. It has been imprinted on my heart. It has changed me.

And yet here I go. Into the unknown. I know what sustains me. I know what I am called to do. It is not easy. Actually, it's really really hard. But it's amazing. It's worth it. I do it because I love it. I do it because I love Him.

In Doctrine and Covenants 4, it says "And you have desires to serve God, ye are called to the work."

I don't have a desire to go out of my comfort zone. I don't have a desire to get up at 6:30 every morning. I don't have a desire to go without rest. But I do have the desire to serve God. And so I am called to do whatever is required as a result of that. And I don't mind one bit! Obedience makes me happy!

Be good, simplify, and hear Him.

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

From Chaela's mom, Jewels: She forgot to tell y'all that she is going to Champaign, Illinois (I hope it's okay that I tell you this!) Thanks for following Chae!


Riddell Fam said...

We will all miss you dearly. Lots of love. You touched our hearts.

jewels said...

ahhh.....that touched my heart!
(her mom)