Friday, September 09, 2011

A dazzling place I never knew

Well, hello! [preparing for re-entry]

I'm back. I can't believe it.

I will write more reflectively another day. It sufficeth me to say that I loved my mission. It was so hard. It was so incredible. I am grateful. I am also ready, now, to move on.

So, here I go. Next phase.

What did I do my first hours as a civillian?

1. step off the plane, put one foot in front of the other.
2. exit my gate, enter my past.
3. feel joy as I am welcomed by an army of airport greeters, a balloon, and my favorite smoothie from a local smoothie shop.
4. head straight to the stake center to be released.
5. arrive in my childhood home. beautiful feeling.
6. slip back into my holey Vans.
7. open my [undeserved] birthday gifts.
8. enjoy my parents.
9. enjoy technology.
10. videochat with the family in Penn.
10. go with the Jewels to pick up an LC's 5DH&R (part of my requested first meal). Can you believe she's never been?
11. enjoy a delicious meal with my family, including Bob. [Like I said, family].
12. walk the dog with the LarBear.
13. watch Jeopardy with my Mom.
14. work to restore my itunes.
15. call Sydney in Botswana.
16. clean out my e-mail account, while listening to Joshua James.
17. Hit the [incredibly tall] sack.

A beautiful, simple day.


Alysa Stewart said...

welcome home! i was listening to the soundtrack of Gnomeo and Juliet, I haven't seen the movie, but it's all Elton John and Tiny Dancer and stuff so I thought of you.

families are forever said...

Welcome Home!!!!!

Leslie said...

I'm excited you're home! I can't wait to hear about your mission. And I love you!