Saturday, June 09, 2012

Catches thieves just like flies


This morning I woke up early (who uses an alarm clock on a Saturday?) and made enough green smoothie for 2. I met up with my best friend from the past, Mr. Bryan Waggener. It was like old times as we drove through the beautiful mountains to the thriving Metropolis of Grants Pass, Oregon.

We arrived at the Special Olympics as volunteers but left as friends and fans, in awe of the athletes and the healthy/exemplary way they process both sides of competition.

What a great experience! My good friend Eric competed, and although I had to leave before some of his events, he definitely impressed everyone when he won the Gold medal in the 3000 meter race!

Eric went to High School with Bryan and I. He is an incredible guy, and even served as a missionary at our local cannery. He plays the piano for the YSA ward and I don't think he's ever made a mistake. He also loves Spiderman! Eric also has Autism. He is aware that he has Autism, and explores his feelings and what it means to him often. I recommend you take the time to occasionally glance at Eric's blog and be inspired by his introspection and dedication to what he knows to be right.

It was fun to see other people from the Singles ward there. And when I say fun I mean WEIRD. Young people are there. People I used to babysit! What the what?

...I don't mean to dread going to the YSA ward. But if I always did what I meant to do, I'd be thinner and have my college degree by now. Bottom line? I shouldn't but absolutely do dread the experience. I'm sure I will be taught many lessons because of this pride which covers me like boils which will inevitably be bumped.

The rest of today has been slow and quiet, I've worked on a sunburst mirror, taken a nap and tried to keep writing some music which has proven too hard without the combined genius of JewelsandLar. Did I tell you Jewels whipped out another amazing song last night? She is a lovely woman.

Looking forward to a relaxing Sabbath. After church tomorrow I plan to write letters to missionaries. Also, nap.

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