Thursday, June 14, 2012

Check it and see

I Facetimed ['facetime' is clearly a verb] with my girls back in PA today. It made me nostalgic for times past and excited for future adventures. Isn't that just what family does?

I was so happy to watch a friend's daughter yesterday, we had a great time. And I was much better at babysitting than I would have been 6 months ago. I now know how to get stuff done and still care for/interact with little ones. I'm grateful for the early onset of those skills in my life.

We played Barbies, put Plant in a pretty pot, picked strawberries, painted, ran errands, ate Happy Meals and played at the park, napped, ran more errands, and painted fingernails and toenails. It was so fun!

When my friend finally had to go home I made my famous quesadillas for dinner and then Lar and I sped to the church.

 Lar's calling is as the Stake Technology specialist. I've helped him a few times around the Stake Center, and it's always fun for a girl to follow her Daddy around and [pretend to] help fix things. We did  a dry run for some complicated webcasting events that will be happening this weekend and I honestly had a great time. I'm excited to help out this weekend too!

Today was more relaxed. Too relaxed, really. Sometimes it just gets so hot outside that I don't want to go out, get in my really hot car, go to Home Depot and walk ALL the way to the back to get one thing (the only thing I need to start the next phase of my current project), get back into my really hot car, drive home, and work outside with gloves and a mask and safety goggles on. You know?

So...I didn't. I puttered around the house, exercised, and followed my mom around as she packed for her trip out east.

Eventually I ran to the supermarket to buy a few items for dinner. I could go into a large rant right now, but I won't. I need you to know, though, that every time I decide to just get one of those little baskets with the 2 handles instead of a cart, I always forget that I have to get super heavy stuff. Like milk. And melons. Why? Why do I do that? I know I look ridiculous as I basically drag my basket to the checkout line. Then I vow to never get a small basket again. Until the next time I 'just' need a 'few' items, forgetting that they are heavier than a sister missionary's luggage.

Tonight was auction night. I didn't go! There are many reasons as to why, just know that I don't plan for that to happen again.

Can I just tell you that I love competitive cooking shows?

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