Sunday, June 10, 2012

If I was president I would see to it that just one day a week we'd have to sing a simple melody

Happy Sabbath!

I sure love Sundays.

Today was so simple. Wake up, eat mini wheats, go to church, come home, fall asleep on couch. Wake up, help with dinner, have friends over to eat dinner, read a conference talk, play trivial pursuit with Jewels, and write on this my weblog.

I tried writing to missionaries, but I went to the Singles ward today and didn't get a 6th ward program, which has the missionaries' names and addresses. I looked at the online directory, I looked on LDS seems the ward bulletin is the only way to receive that privileged information.

YSA ward was...interesting. I'm not the nicest person in the world, and I think the people there found my frankness and honesty alarming. But, it's like, it's true that guys who do Summer Sales are the worst. It's true that people are being rude when they stand around the foyer and talk for 20 minutes while people are trying to start Sunday School. It's true that I don't like it when strange men I've never met try to touch me too much. I guess people just don't want to hear these truths. Especially from strangers.

Yes, my pride covers me like boils. I'm working on it.

But please, always, be frank and honest with me. Tell me what I'm doing that you don't like so I can analyze my behavior and apply changes to better myself.

Please, always.

Tomorrow I will run and errand or two, and hopefully start tearing apart/sanding a footstool I bought at the re-store. I will also attend a YSA barbecue at Bryan's house and exercise mightily.

Tomorrow I must also make the decision of what color to add to my afghan. I've already got a brownish gray and a cream. I was planning to have mustard yellow as the third color, but now I'm considering a ketchup red. Your thoughts?

Please, thank you and always.

1 comment:

Kirsten Smith said...

Agreed about all of your annoyances at church. My vote for colors is the mustard yellow or an aqua blue color. But those are the two colors I'm working with right now so I'm a little biased. Good luck!