Thursday, March 21, 2013

Chained to your history you're surely sinking fast

I was going to begin this post upon my weblog with an apology for the nearly 6-month gap between entries. Then I realized, it's my weblog. And I can do whatever I want. Because I'm a grown-up.
[sometimes I have to remind myself I'm a grown-up. If I don't I begin to act too childish. Balance. is important.]

If only you knew my heart, you would know the things I mean to write and say. But you don't. And that's the point---that's the problem. That's why there's divorce and war and hate. Because we don't know each other's hearts. But I believe they are all [basically] good. (the hearts, that is).

I've heard some grumbles around this [quite homogeneic*] place about the idea of Lent, and how Catholics only have to give one thing up for 40 days a year but Mormons give everything up for 365.

Is this logic sound? Isn't the fruit of vice entrapment? And so, by releasing vices don't we actually capture more freedom? And shouldn't that bring joy? How sad to seek more freedom, more joy, but 40 days per year.

I, a minimalist at heart, allow myself 1 (one) non-functional 
tchotchke. It is a bright red buddha statue. He and I want 
everyone to achieve enlightenment...self actualization 
if you will. I guess what I'm saying is------->
[we're sad when people give up and give in.]

it's time to let go of
everything we used to know,
ideas that strengthen
who we've been.
It's time to cut ties that
won't ever free our minds
from the chains and shackles that they're in.

Will you join us? Buddha and Abraham Maslow and Patrick Park and I?

Liberation through the expulsion of vice;
things that make me go hmm.
Love is alive,

*I know that "homogeneous" is the correct adjective when describing homogeneity. Not using it was a conscious, and I think rather awesome, choice.


Whitney said...

You are wonderful and I am with you sister!

luvnmy10 said...

Red Buddha--Awesome! I actually think the Lent thing is cool, and I for one, as a mormon, don't feel like I give up everything. I really like your perspective and thoughts on this post. And, yes, you are a grown up, but to me you will always be the girl who had a pedicure with me on my patio before Chrissy's wedding :).