Thursday, May 28, 2009

I love surprise parties

I've been doing a large amount of journal writing lately, which has taken the many thoughts that simultaneously blaze through my head and put them to rest. Although I can not say the rest is entirely peaceful.

I have a lot of ideas and dreams and goals about my future. A lot of them. Like, a ton. And the past few days I have been thinking about if what I am doing now is going to get me to where I see myself, or if I will just be having ideas and dreams and goals forever. People should always, always have ideas, dreams, and goals. I just want to be realizing and living some of them while I'm forming more.

I just saw the movie 'Marley and Me.' The main character said he was always surprising himself with his accomplishments. I wish I could say that about myself. Luckily, I'm still young.

I don't think I've ever realized how much effort must go into becoming what I want to become. I know it's worth it. I know it. I know it. The adversary knows where the cracks in my walls are, though. Sometimes I just get so tired. Somehow, I know it will all turn out okay. I just hope that one day I will look back and surprise myself.


jewels said...

Your surprise party will be amazing have no idea how wonderful you are just yet. Hang on tight for the rest of the ride however; I think it's going to be even better!

Kirsten Smith said...

I can relate to a lot of what you said. I agree that its easy to "know" things and still hard to achieve them. You can do it though! I believe in you.

Also, thanks for liking my blog even though its a couple blog. haha. I don't get why cassi had to e-mail you the link though? I posted it on my old blog AND on facebook. Either way, i'm glad you found it!

Love ya! and miss ya!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

This was really uplifting and much needed, thanks for sharing.

amanda said...

my hands are paralyzed