Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm proud of my cousin

Quentin is my 2nd cousin, but I 1st cousin love him. And I'm so proud of him for writing this poem and winning this contest! Below is an excerpt from an article in the Billings Gazette about Quentin. Then there's a picture of him with his class (isn't he handsome?!) and then his actual poem. (sections 3&4 are my personal favorites) You go, Buddy!!!!

7th-grader does 'write thing'
Seventh-grader Quentin Poole doesn't consider himself a poet. But a poem he submitted in an essay contest earlier this spring snagged him an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C., this summer.

Poole's work, "Violence Surrounds Us All," won top honors at the state level of the Do the Write Thing program to stop violence. His entry describes in verse a fictional account of violence, its causes, and how a young person can take a stand against it."No one to talk to, But his friends," he writes, "The way it started, Was the way it ends."

Poole, 13, who prefers football over English, wrote his poem for an English assignment. The submissions were judged on the basis of "most thought provoking" by a diverse group of Montana professionals in the juvenile justice field. The entries of all state finalists are bound in a book that will be placed in the Library of Congress.

Violence Surrounds Us All
By: Quentin Poole
1. How does violence affect your daily life?
I go to the store to buy a play station game,
They say I have to be seventeen and I think that’s lame,
Because I can turn on the t.v. anytime of day
And see the same thing they’re afraid I’ll play.

Because violence is everywhere so it seems,
I hope it don’t get to me except in my dreams.
2. Where are you confronted by violence?
On the city streets
Be careful of who you meet.
There are drugs, gangs and thugs,
If you meet up with them you may have to run.
Gun shots fired in the school
It turned out the bullies wanted to rule.
3. What are some of the causes of youth violence in your community?
No one to talk to But his friends,
The way it started Was the way it ends.
Drugs to try just for fun
Left him dying all alone.
Bullies hitting you for no reason at all
Makes you want to cry your eyes out and just bawl.
Fitting in is not simple
Especially if you have a pimple.
Being young is hard to do
Especially if no one accepts you.
4. What can you do as an individual to reduce youth violence in your community?
I could start young and strong
And always know my rights from my wrongs.
If someone is having a bad day Because of a school bully
I would know just what to sayAnd help them understand fully
That it has nothing to do with you
Bullies just like to see you blue.
Come join me and we will stop the madness.
Everyone will be happy and there’ll be no more sadness.

I would teach little kids what not to do,
And set an example of kindness, too.


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

Wow! That is such a good poem! I'm impressed a seventh grader wrote that! Must run in the family... :)

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

Kind of random, but I didn't want to message over facebook and I couldn't find your email on your blogger profile or on facebook.

Jen wants me to take her engagements. But with school and work I'm already feeling overwhelmed. Are there any people you know who would want to do that?