Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One Month and One Day of Cool, Exciting Stuff

I have an obsession with making things and doing things that most people hire other people to do.

I got home one week ago today. I haven't been too productive thus far, just putting away all of my things (just to pack them up again in August and drive back to Provo), sleeping a lot, hanging with the fam, cooking, and the occasional work out.

I now have exactly one month and one day until I leave for EFY. this means that I have exactly one month and one day to complete projects I've started, dreamed of starting, and stuff my parents need me to do while I'm home. Also I plan on cooking and baking a lot, working out even more, and helping my dad around the house and in the yard.

Every night before I go to bed I have to make three lists: 1. a list of things I need to do 2. a list of things I would like to get done, and 3. a list of time commitments I have. Then, I compile the three into my schedule for the next day. If I don't make my lists, I am guaranteed to have a less-than productive tomorrow.

I am putting this on my blog to achieve a higher level of accountability for my project completion. I will also probably write about certain projects I'm doing. That way when I'm writing about it I don't have to explain why I'm doing it. Although the answer would still be because I want to and I can.

Here are some of the projects I've had lined up in my head to complete over the next one month and one day:

already started:
-daddy/daughter collage
-take apart my old shoulder bag and make my own pattern for sewing more of them
-decoupage journals
-mending/hemming clothes

want to do:
-various collages for various reasons
-sew my own Mary Poppins/carpet lady bag
-digitize all of my parents' photographs
-go through my grandpa's antique trunks and figure out what's in them and what it's all worth
-turn beads on my dad's lathe
-make cards
-find other cool new uses for old things

Here are the commitments I have during my One Month and One Day of Cool, Exciting Stuff:
13 May - Sydney is here!
14-16 May - Kirsten's wedding in Portland
24 May - Leslie's Wedding
3-6 June - quick trip to Provo
12 June - Alicia's wedding
13 June - Day 1 of my EFY adventure.

I'm not going to make a schedule of what I'm going to do when. That's part of the beauty of the One Month and One Day of Cool, Exciting Stuff.

I will probably come back to this post and update my lists. Until then I believe I am going to go get started!


families are forever said...

Welcome Home! It is great to see your smiling face! smile Danette

Ashley said...

I miss you already!
love ashley anne

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

The list thing is a really great idea. I heard once if you don't write something down it's actually not a goal, good luck making your purse ... I love making purses! Have a blast at EFY because relief society isn't the same with you and your introspective comments!

Unknown said...

Great goals. How are they coming? Too bad you never called me back, but it doesn't matter. You're in O to the regon anyway. Oregon enough for ya?