Sunday, July 19, 2009

We Have a Song, and We're Not Afraid to Sing

After 5 straight weeks of EFY I am home for a day. I leave tomorrow for Girls' Camp (since when am I old enough for stuff like this??) and I get back on Friday. Then I leave again Saturday morning for my last two weeks of Especially for Youth. If it was my last 20 weeks it wouldn't be enough. EFY is probably the most tiring, frustrating, rewarding and edifying experience ever. I had a hard time taking off my name tag.

All of my kids were way smarter and cooler than me to begin with, and as every week progressed they each became my own personal bestie (Amanda P, please don't be angry) in their unique way. I miss them all so much it hurts a little. I am now even more excited to be a Mom, if you can imagine that. My words will never be able to express the love my soul feels for those kids. I miss them.

I could go on and on, but that's what a journal is for. Another thing I must mention, though, is my thorough wrong-ness regarding EFY counselors and the stereotypes therein. In the last 5 weeks I have met some of the most inspiring, funny, fun, smart, chill, hip people ever. It's exciting that most of them go to school in Provo so we can see each other and hang out this year (since all of my friends graduated and/or got married)(that was a guilt trip)(I hope it worked) and make real friendships. They are people who raise me up just like Josh Groban sings about. I want to be just like them. Especially Amanda (shoutout)(preventhealthbysmokingmetal)

Now I am going to go check my facebook for the first time and write back to any and all of my kids who have written to me. I can't wait! But my heart will hurt because they came to EFY, made me love them and get used to them, and then they just left and abandoned me and went off to live their lives. Those stinkers. Where's the chocolate?


Trina said...

What? What? WHAT? You're coming to Girls' Camp!!!!!????? I am absolutely beside myself with excitement!!! What's camp without Chaela? See you there!!

Kirsten Smith said...

Just because I'm married doesn't mean I'm dead (guilt trip... did it work) I'm glad you are having fun though!! You rock! Miss ya!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I wish you could have been my EFY counselor!

Sydney Vivian Lambson said...

I sense too many inside jokes. stereotypes are also bad for your health. i too also miss you and it's ok that you have other friends (for now)