Tuesday, October 13, 2009

O Remember, Remember

I had a fantastic summer. One day I will post a few photos from EFY. Right now I am missing my family, and will post a few pictures from my trip to Florida to visit Chad, Erin, and their little girl Marissa.

Indian Leg Wrestling Tournament (ILWT). [mcdonald tradition; no one has ever beaten chad].

nightly walks around the neighborhood...
swinging at the park!
Playing games the Mcdonald way after the child is in bed:

I've never seen a child more excited to go to the beach!
Post-beaching festivities:
Hitler 'stache:
Birthday cupcake:
Absolute Bliss:

I'm not sure why I don't have more pictures of Erin...she is the prettiest one out of all of us...but I had a great time with her. She's a great mother.

I can't wait to see my family at Christmas! love. is the answer.


jewels said...

How adorable you all are in the pictures. One little correction; I have beaten Chad in an ILWT. It's been a few years, but come on!

I think about Christmas every day. I am so excited to be with all of you. Now that's gonna be a big ol' slice of heaven!


Erin said...

Yes, why are there no pictures of me? It was so fun to have you here! I can't wait to have you back. I truly wish you could live with us...oh well.
Love, ERIN