Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Only a girl like you could be lonely

This morning I was blow-drying my hair, thinking of all the delicious treats my mother makes, and trying to come up with a finalized list for my 'Mcdonald family Christmas Eve Smorgasbord' requests. You may say it's too early to think about Christmas this much. Retail stores everywhere would disagree. And I would too. Mainly because I do what retail stores tell me to...they keep me hip.

As I thought about puppy chow [muddy buddies][monkey munch] I remembered ye olde time tradition of Chex Mix. And I remembered how much I hate chex mix. Well, at least the 'mix' part. I actually really love the chex part. But the pretzels and peanuts and other paraphernalia really ruin for me. And then I thought wow, that would be an important thing to tell a boy before he married me.

It really could be a deal-breaker.

I am not dating anyone. There were a few good prospects at the beginning of the semester but they have waned as predictably as the moon.

That being clarified, here are some other deal-breakers I have thought of [I figured it would be smart to get a list together]:
  • I like Miracle Whip.
  • I prefer Margarine to Butter.
  • I don't like pictures of landscapes.
  • I love the game Boggle.
  • I'm not above stealing candy from children.
  • I like to watch movies and [good] TV shows over and over. In fact, I would rather watch re-runs of 'The King of Queens' 'According to Jim' or 'Home Improvement' than something new.
  • I like to color.
  • I always have music on.
  • I have a crush on Ira Glass' voice. And possibly the rest of him, too.
  • I have a terrible memory [long and short term].
  • I find blatant sarcasm uncreative and in poor taste.
  • I like to fill up on free things at restaurants [chips and salsa, bread, bottomless french fries] so I can take my main entree home and get two meals out of it.
  • I really like giving nice gifts.
  • I'm addicted to crossword puzzles.
  • I need a lot of sleep.
  • Kalamata olives trigger my gag reflex.
  • I prefer to wear skirts.
  • I hate hiking.
  • I need encouragement to be adventurous.
  • I like power tools. And the use therein.
  • I like to make things myself, even if it would be easier or cheaper to outright purchase them.

So. those are some of my faults and possible deal-breakers for future dating relationships.

It's a long list. Maybe I should just go on a mission...

In other news:

[that's got to stunt something]

[puppy] Ciao!


Rebecca Langham said...

um, video. hilarious. don't get the second half. who is that guy?

Kirsten Smith said...

We have so much in common.

I like Miracle Whip.
I prefer Margarine to Butter.
I love the game Boggle.
I'm not above stealing candy from children.
I like to fill up on free things at restaurants [chips and salsa, bread, bottomless french fries] so I can take my main entree home and get two meals out of it.
I need a lot of sleep.
I need encouragement to be adventurous.

We should be friends. Also... those are not deal breakers, even if the future husband hates miracle whip. Trust me, I know.