Wednesday, November 18, 2009

in the words I say, in the things I read

My best friend Sydney turned me onto this television show called Community. I resisted for a long time due to the fact that I have more shows now than ever before.

What do people mean when we say we 'have' shows? All we really have is an addiction and time to waste. Luckily though, I have some shows to fill that time with.

Here is a clip from that show. Which proves that, finally, my kind of people are making television.

Finally, a song about a library that speaks volumes.


Unknown said...

It's good to know that I'm not the only person in the world that watches "Community." Maybe with the Chaela "Stamp of Approval" it will stick around awhile :)

jewels said...

After watching that I may have to set my Tivo....for one more show to fill my addiction to wasting time, or whatever that is you said Chae!!

Sydney Vivian Lambson said...

for a second I thought Kevin was mocking me, but then i was like, 'kevin doesn't even know me' and I stopped thinking it was all about me. because its not.

Krista said...

Dude I'm in love with this show. If you have not already watched the Halloween episode, do so immediately.

Leonani said...

i love that show! ive seen the first the first episode, but forgot what night it was on. i need to catch up! thank goodness for hulu! ps. i miss you!

amanda said...

haha..yeah bOI! 2009...

Elissa said...

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! seriously. soooooo good!

chrisfish said...

I have sooo many shows. But when you're RiCh LiKe Me and have a DVR, there's all the time in the world for little tele-gems like Community.

ps I miss you