Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I went to the year 3000

I took a marriage preparation class in 2006. I wasn't engaged at the time and I'm not a weirdo. Engaged people were actually discouraged from taking the class together. It was more about what marriage really is and how to look for the right things and have the right expectations as you date around and finally become married. In that class we had several assignments that I've held onto. This morning I found one such assignment in the depths of my hard drive...a letter to my future spouse.

If I were to write a letter to my future spouse now I'm sure it would be quite different, although the themes remain the same.

Without further ado, here is the letter that 19-year old me wrote to my future spouse:

Chaela McDonald

HFL 223/Section 002

17 November 2006

Letter to Future Spouse

Dear __________,

First off, I’m really sorry that I like to shop so much. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum while you’re in medical school.

I’m kidding. It’s okay if you decide to go to law school instead of medical school. Anyway I’m not sure what exactly I am supposed to write in this letter to you, the person that I am going to spend the rest of my life and eternity with, and probably haven’t even met yet. I guess I’ll start by saying that I pray for you.

I pray that you will realize the power that you have in holding the priesthood. I pray that you are worthy and striving as I am to become better. I pray that I can be a good companion to you and develop the talents and skills that you would want me to have as a wife and mother. I pray that the spirit will be with you and that you can find happiness every day.

I’m a pretty simple person and I’ve had my share of hard times. From those experiences, however, I have become a woman that I am proud of being, and continue to become a woman that you will be proud to be married to. The gospel is the center of my life. The plan of salvation leaves me in awe. I have a strong testimony that we are not humans having a spiritual experience, rather we are spirits having a human experience. We will live learn and grow here. Have a family and callings where we will be stewards over the Lord’s precious sheep. Then, if we do it all right, we can go on to live with our Heavenly Father and create worlds of our own, eternally. Wow. Are you ready? It’s going to be awesome.

Of course we’ll slip up along the way. We’ll argue and we’ll doubt our lasting power as a couple. But I know as we take our problems to our Heavenly Father in fervent prayer, draw our children close to us and teach them the gospel, and maintain an eternal perspective, our lives will be filled with a spirit of gratitude and perseverance. We will be able to rise above the sadness in this world and find joy.

Plus, we’re going to have a ton of fun. Our kids are going to be really cool and funny and popular. And they’re going to play a lot of sports, and an instrument if they want. Mostly, though, I hope they will become beacons of light to their friends, and examples of the happiness and love that we will have in our home.

I don’t talk about my feelings a ton, but I want you to know that I love you already. I know that because I am committed to you already, and will continue to keep myself morally clean. Until our wedding night which I am really looking forward to. Like, a lot.


Chaela McDonald

P.S. I had this idea. If we get to create our own worlds, I think it would be cool to have fruit punch come out of the water fountains.


Unknown said...

you're fantastic. i love you! and i can't wait to see what lucky guy ends up with the coolest wife ever (you). kisses!

Sydney Vivian Lambson said...

even i pray for you future husband sometimes

Trina said...

See? This is why you're one of my favorite people.

jewels said...

I like that part about a lot of children...it said that right? Because I am expecting :) to have a lot of amazing little grandbabies just like their mom!!

chrisfish said...

I remember reading this after you wrote it. (I wasn't being sneaky or anything... you said I could)

I also remember praying every night for Evan Norby with you and then I remember when he found true love and happiness and it was all because of us.

I hope you pray that your future husband's muscles will grow big like Evan's.