Sunday, November 15, 2009

The sound that you found for me

Nicole and Kevin Smith are two of the most phenomenal people I know. Although we not are not technically related, I wholeheartedly consider Nicole my sister. And she lets me, which is awesome.

Nicole is everything I hope to be one day. And in the depth of her soul, in every sincere action, in every word, she is a mother.

Kevin is really smart. And funny. And a killer guitar player. You know, one of those people who's naturally good at everything which would be annoying if he weren't so nice.

Also, they both have really good taste in music.

Two years ago they were blessed to have Noah enter their lives through the miracle of adoption. Noah is the luckiest kid ever. Also the cutest.

The Smiths are ready to adopt again. They are ready to become a miracle in another child's life. Here is a link to their adoption profile. If you know any birthmothers who are considering adoption, please turn their attention toward the Smith family.

Click here to read their adoption profile:


1 comment:

K+N+N+A said...

We love you so much. Thanks for the amazing post, and Noah still talks about his Aunt Chae Chae and all the bubbles! He knows you by your pictures. Glad to know that he's still your favorite nephew!... (For now) :) You're the best. Thanks for helping us spread the word.

Love you!
Nicole (and Kevin and Noah)