Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blue [Da Ba Dee]

The Man made Avatar. To make money.

I finally gave in to the hype. Which is [admittedly] no better than giving into The Man himself. I saw Avatar today. In three dimensions.

It was good. Fine. Enjoyable. I liked it. I like almost every movie I see, I'm not much of an elitist in the way of film.


Papyrus? really?!

They invented an entire language for this movie. Could they not expend a few resources to create a new typeface? Or purchase one? Or just use one that's less horrible? James Cameron? Really?

Baffled...absolutely baffled.

1 comment:

Maria said...

i completely agree with you. that font is so over-used as is, so when i saw it i too also felt that it was a out-of-place for a movie that is supposed to be what Avatar is supposed to be.