Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MTC = EFY on crack

Hello fam!
This will be short, I have 8 minutes. First, Thank you SOOO much to everyone that has written me. I am in the process of writing you back; although I'm not sure time will ever slow down enough to get everything done! I love serving the Lord. I am not good enough, too goofy, not focused enough, and never trying enough. The Lord is my light and my strength. I'm working on becoming something useful to Him in St. Louis.
We got our flight plans; we leave at 4am next Tuesday! So I'm not sure when I'll be able to e-mail again, since Tuesday would have been my preparation day and I don't know when prerparation day will be out in the field. Just assume that I am happy or healthy unless you hear otherwise.
We have been practicing teaching a lot. I feel like I was born to bear my testimony. Throughout the week I always think of so much to say but now I don't know what to tell you!
People are different. No one here has heard of any of the bands I like. Even Sufjan Stevens!!!! And no one here has ever seen 30 Rock. The other day we were supposed to do a meditation activity and we were supposed to think about just one thing that makes us happy and push every other thought out as we breathed in and out. My happy thought was Kenneth Parcell. It worked.
The MTC isn't quite as cool to me as it is to other people because I've lived in Provo and gone to BYU and seen general authorities speak and heard the BYU Men's Chorus and stuff. But it's still cool. And a happy place. And I am learning a lot of independence. I've never loved people I have nothing in common with this much. Dad, I've been using my Tongan quite a bit. I wish I had learned more than 3 phrases.
I need to go, I love you! Yes, even you. Be good! Sister McDonald

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