Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Adventures of Sister Chaela McDonald--MTC 1:1-6

Shalom! It's me! Sister Mcdonald! Writing from the MTC. I'm sorry It has taken me so long to write. My zone has preparation day on Tuesdays and since I reported here on Wednesday we had to wait a whole week!

How is everyone?? Thank you so much for your letters so far. And Mom I got the cookies!! My roommates and I thank you!!!!! They're really good. Mom you couldn't never write me too much, against the busy backdrop of the MTC your letters make my heart smile.

I'm not sure what to say, I only have about 15 minutes, so I'll just tell you the basics! My companion's name is Sister Hull and she's from....OREGON! crazy right? Specifically she's from Hermiston. She is tall and has dark hair and I think we kind of look alike. She is a chef by profession and talks about the most wonderful dishes. She will be serving in St. Louis too so I hope we're companions some time so that she can cook for me.

We have 4 elders and 4 sisters (including us) in our district. Sister Kim and Siser Shumsky are the other sisters. Sister Kim and Sister Hull and I were actually in a threesome for the first 3 days. Sister Shumsky is from Canada (Chad try not to groan) and she had to get her Visa figured out. Sister Shumsky Sister Hull and I are the ones going to St. Louis. Sister Kim and the Elders (Bale, Jenkins, Morgan and Shneider) are going to Kennewick, WA. Mom, at some point could you call Wendy Shumway from the Ashland ward and tell her that I have the CDs for Girl's camp all ready for her and she just needs to come pick them up from our house? I put them in a bag in that black thing in the front entryway that looks like it has drawers but actually opens like a door.

OK, other MTC things. I spend most of my days in the same tiny classroom with my district. We have two teachers, and one of them I actually know pretty well from before her mission. I've always loved and respected Sister Vail and so it's great to have her as my teacher. Except for we keep accidentally calling each other by our first names. I should mention for Sydney's sake that I met a girl that knows you and some of the other Gilbert gang. Her name is Allesha Hatch and she left yesterday to serve in Ventura California Spanish-speaking. She said she facebook stalks Sydney a lot, but let's be honest who doesnt. Rebecca Langham lives down the hall from me! And we see each other at least once a day. She's going to be serving in the Milan Italy mission and so every night I go and have 'Italian prayer' with her and the other sisters in her district. It's pretty cool that you can feel the spirit in Italian, too.

We got to teach at the TRC for the first time yesterday and it went great. the TRC is where you teach volunteers who pretend to be investigators. I knew then as I was reciting the first vision that I was born to be a missionary and bear my testimony.

I don't have any time I have to go!!!! I love you! Be good,

Sister Mcdonald

Chaela's MTC Box is #199
Dear Elder is a great way to post her a note.
She will be in the MTC until 4/20/10

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