Monday, May 10, 2010

Ever hear of Roger Bannister?

Look up the song "Life is a Song" by Patrick Park:

"...It's time to let go of everything we used to know; ideas that strengthen who we've beenIt's time to cut ties that won't ever free our mindsfrom the chains and shackles that they're in..."
Don't chain and shackle yourself into thinking that you aren't meant for big things.
Big things need to be done in this world. Lots of them. In fact, more big things need to be done in this world than there are people to do them. It's time to step up. Let go of empirical definitions of success or beauty.

(Enter that Marianne Williamson quote here)

That's my message to the good people of my tiny blogosphere this week. There are earthquakes in diverse places, people. We don't have time to be who we've been. Look up repentance in the bible dictionary. It's awesome.

The mission is oh-so-good. Please pray for us in our finding efforts. We have met some incredible people, and some real weird-o's. I'm grateful for all of them.

KRISTI SMITH -- I need your address girl!

I am inadequate and in desperate need to further develop every Christlike attribute, and not just the ones in Preach my Gospel. The beautiful thing is that I can have a fresh view, I can change, I can be broken in and turned into something useful for the Lord.

I have to go! We are late for a dinner appointment! Which reminds me, we were eating at a members' home last monday and every night at dinner they do something called "nice check" where everybody says something nice they did for someone else. The youngest, a girl, Jamee, is six and has bright purple glasses. She is so hip and cool. anyway Everyone is just kind of saying what their 'nice check' is in no particular order, and Jamee pipes in with "my nice check is that I'm awesome." All of the confidence bursting out of that little person was, umm, hilarious. To say the least.

Be good my friends. Be better than good, be big. Love even bigger.

Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

Elissa said...

we love and miss ya girlfriend!! I am so proud of you! i love that little girl with purple glasses.

Just take it all day by day. And sometimes hour by hour.

you are loved!