Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What are you waiting for?

This week has been awesome! The Lord loves His children.

+whilst executing a 3-point-turn in the car my companion went over the edge of the paved road and proceeded to get our vehicle EXTREMELY stuck in the mud. As we lived the parable of the good Samaritan in modern times (complete with cell phone calls home about AAA subscriptions) It was evident that there are many good people in Missouri and that the extermination order seems to have subsided. (jokes, humor). (this is a shout out to Kristi Smith). 3 hours, several prayers and one broken tow-rope later, we emerged from the depths of the brown sludge with 3 men and myself pushing from the front and a chain wrapped around the tree with a wench (is that how you spell it) tugging the axle from behind. Needless to say a shower was in order (including one for the car) and we did not get much else done that day.

+We attended a baptism with LeRae, one of our investigators. She has committed to be baptized and we wanted her to be able to see what it would be like. We all felt the spirit confirm to us that this is true. That this work is real. It is bigger than this earth. It is bigger than 9-5, afternoon coffee on the weekends and enjoyable Holidays. And when you know that - when you feel that - there is bliss. joy. light. warmth. You feel fresh, crisp, cool, clean. I want everyone within the sound of my voice[blog] to know that I am certain that there is a plan and that our advent on the earth is not by chance. I invite, even plead, all who hear[read] this to consider things that you had never before supposed. To simply open your mind and question the empirical boundaries created by our societal and cultural predecessors.

As an authorized representative of Jesus Christ, I testify with my whole being that your choices determine your fate and that you must make a choice. This world teems with uncertainty. How convenient for the undecided. Don't allow yourself to be acted upon. Act. You are a child of God. You are not as a tree which must move when the wind blows it. And therein lies your duty. We did not come here to get stuff, we came here to become something. To do things. When you realize that, you automatically gain power.

Don't let life push you around, for it will. Be in charge. Act. Have faith. Find happiness. Find joy in this, your one sojourn on this beautiful, awesome earth. No regrets.

And so I plead. Day in and day out. And so I plead with you. Especially my dear loved ones who do not yet know the joy that comes from a personal relationship with Deity, which begins with baptism into His church and then has no end. I plead with Alicia. I plead with John and Travis. If I am right, don't you want to make sure for yourself? No regrets.

I love you beyond my personal capacity because The Savior makes up the rest.

I love being a missionary! This week was a harder one, but I can do better and be more obedient. And I will! Because I can! Because I CAN DO HARD THINGS.

Be good my little ones; I miss you dearly.
Peace and Love,sister mcdonald

p.s. in case you were wondering, I'm still pretty. and I am making frump look G-O-O-D! I promise I will remember my camera one of these p-days!

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