Monday, May 03, 2010

I've Started Already

Okay. I have ten minutes. Let's do this.

This is the most beautiful place I have ever been. For real. do some google-image research if you don't believe me. It really is like spring on steriods. I can't get enough of it!!! And even though you get carsick everywhere you go (the roads are WINDY and narrow in the more rural parts) it's awesome.

I had a great week! We got a media referral that we finally contacted and We found THE coolest woman. She has an adorable little daughter Marissa's age, and has so much faith. We continue to teach her and it's been a cool experience.

The members here are rock-solid. We cover two wards so I get to know twice as many of them! We get fed probably 4 nights out of 7, and everyone is so generous and interested. It seems to me that the work has been slow here in Rockwood. We had another slow week but we fasted yesterday to be able to find a family and sister Thurber and I have a renewed common goal which is to work harder than we think we can and show the Lord we're ready to find those He is preparing.

The other day I saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW. No lie. They also have wicked cool thunder-storms here. and the Tornado sirens have been going off a lot. (what is happening?!) It reminds me of our time in Minnesota. Okay, a few things:
CARRIE VAIL---you need to write me.

LOUIS PETERSON---you need to write me.

ELISSA URBAN---I need to write you but I lost your address. can you get it to my mom? (via facebook)

RYAN FRANDSEN---I need your address.

AMANDA GARLOCK---I think of you and want to discuss teaching with you SO much!!

CHRISSY DIMMICK---We MUST re-make The BAND when I get home.

I am happy, the work is slowly but surely progressing. I am continuing to grow in my knowledge of the scriptures and my understanding of God's love. We are meant for things that are bigger than this earth. We are worth things that are bigger than this earth. Acknowledge it, realize it, feel it. Because only when you can conceptualize that can you actually do something about it.

We can't not change the world. It's our duty. And if you can't change the world, change someone's world. I can never be the perfect friend. I can never return every phone call, say exactly the right things, and be exactly where I need to be. But I can introduce others to the perfect friend. And when someone knows the Perfect friend, Jesus Christ, their dependnece on others lessens. Their need for acknowledgement and recognition decrease and their ability to work, with quiet dignity, for the salvation of others increases. That is called meekness. Absolute Power under Absolute control. The subtraction of self.

Will you subtract yourself this week?

Sister Mcdonald


Maria said...

what is chaela's mailing address now?

jewels said...

Hi Maria, it is:

Sister Chaela McDonald
Missouri St. Louis Mission
745 Craig Road Suite 306
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

She would love to hear from you!!

wreathofpearls said...

Thank you for bringing such a light and positive energy to our little ward! Yes, the work here was a little slow, but with you and Sister Thurber here, things are moving and shaking. Your enthusiasm and love is contagious! Your desire to serve the Lord is crystal clear. Thank you for the sacrifice you make each and every day to serve the Lord. You are truly an inspiration to me. Your family has every reason to be so proud of you because you are doing wonderful things here. You came just when we needed you in this area. You are stirring up a sleepy crowd of people who made covenants to share the gospel but were hesitant or afraid. You make it look effortless and make us want to be more like you and open our mouths and share. Thank you. Thank you. Our kids have concluded that you and Sister Thurber are their favorites. But shhhhh...don't tell anyone!

jewels said...

Thank you for your comments wreathofpearls. It makes my heart sing...(her mom)