Monday, June 14, 2010

Knock Three Times

Another week? Already?! Okay, this one's going to have to be short.

I really want to have a big garden one day. It's so cool. Everyone here gardens. And they can just go outside and pick stuff and then cook with it. It's like having a free supermarket in your backyard. I'm into it. One of our members has a farm and sends us home with lots of produce. This week it was onions, potatoes, beets lots of herbs and broccoli. Delicious. Brilliant. God is good. (he made the earth. That's the connection there).

If I had never come on my mission I would never have met the people here. Can you believe that? I can't imagine my life without these people in it. All of the ward members are...spectacular. My love for them goes beyond being a missionary. It's organic. And not 'organic' like how the Man uses that word to make people think that their vegetables are healthier and without pesticides and worth the extra money they pay for them. Not that kind of organic. It's like, a real, almost physical connection that swoops in and overwhelms my body, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It fills every nook and cranny of my soul to the point where I know that the roots of these friendships did not begin in this life.

I lived in Heaven a long time ago, it is true. I lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you! Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan. All about earth and eternal salvation for man.

The black nametag has power.

Things with the comp are good. We have opposite philosophies about pretty much everything in life. But the gospel unifies us. And prayer unifies us. And I would say that we are in fact friends. We have fun. We get along. She does not like the way I contact people. But people need to know that I am a real person before they can trust me enough to know that I care about them, and that I want them to listen to my message because I care about them. Does that make sense? They already know I want them to join my church. That's why I'm a missionary. What they don't know is that I love them. And Christ loves them. And they can learn to feel that love through me.

I have got to go! They're about to call se-curr-ity on me (bon qui qui style). Not really. My time's just up on the computer now.
Be good my friends! Pray for me?
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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