Monday, June 21, 2010

the sweater song

Okay I have forgotten to talk about this for the last 2 months, but guess what! Lisa Moffat's nephew and his family are in one of my wards! The Robinsons! Sister Robinson is the first woman I met in the Rockwood 1st ward! She is the sweetest, funniest, coolest, most gorgeous woman. You have no idea. Like, you think you have an idea because I just described her to you, but you really don't. You would think that she is the one actually related to Lisa because they are both so cool. Brother Robinson is also really neat. He's funnier than all get-out. They have the same sense of humor as our family. And it's so cool they are related to the Moffats! Also, I got a letter from Lisa (thanks!!) And I will write back soon.

Things here are grand. We don't get to move until next Monday, which is a little inconvenient but also a little awesome. You see, I have become quite attached to the Cummins. We play football with Brother Cummins for like 15 minutes every night. We cook with Sister Cummins. We share more than just a kitchen. We share our livelihood. Haha, maybe I'm getting literarily
carried away. But I hope you can comprehend what I mean. I'm bummed to move.

The work progresses. Refer someone to the missionaries this week!

The Youth here are extremely cool. They remind me of the kids back home and my EFY kids. I miss them. I really love teenagers. I have been around tons of them and I talk with them a lot. I think my experience base is broad enough now that I can shed some light on things that work and don't work in the lives of adolescents, and this is the main thing I have discovered. Modesty.
It's honsety time, people. Most Young Men are rock solid. They have goals that they are determined to meet, and these goals are founded in the gospel. They honor the holy Aaronic priesthood, which they hold. They are awesome.

The Young Women vary more than the Young Men. They are at different levels of commitment and excitement for this great work. I don't doubt that each has a desire to love and serve God. But more Young Women are struggling than Young Men. The difference is Modesty. I know it is. Because I've met them and talked with them and I see it in their eyes. Some may say that they don't care as much about modesty because they aren't as committed. I would say that is erroneous thinking. You can not be as committed if you are not modest. You may say you are committed but there is power in modesty. Modesty comes first, and the power to be committed follows. Modesty is not the byproduct, it is the catalyst.

It is very hot here! I have to go!
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

Christine Parks said...

Hey Chaela! My name is Christine Parks. I'm in the 6th ward :)I'm writing a talk for the JC fireside at Girls Camp that's coming up! Can I use your blurb about modesty? My topic is "Virtue in Action" and I'm emphasizing modesty. :)