Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hi from hot, sticky, St. Louis!

Seriously. The humidity here is ridiculous. I always think it can't get worse and it does. It's a good thing I love being a missionary or I would be gone yesterday!

This week was pretty great.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of my second transfer as a full-time missionary. Crazy! I will stay here in Rockwood with Sister Thurber, and we're guessing we'll stay here for the next transfer too. That would be fine with me because I absolutely love Rockwood. The members here are amazing. All of the people here are amazing. I am just so happy here. There is much work to be done, but also much joy to be had.

We are moving into our own apartment later on this month. This is exciting and happy but also makes me incredibly sad because I absolutely love the members we live with right now. The Cummins are the coolest couple east or west of the Mississippi. Most people know that I am basically obsessed with my brother Chad and think he's the coolest thing since sliced bread. Being out on the mission is hard because I miss Chad a lot. There's no one as funny or cool as Chad. But Brother Cummins comes pretty close. They are similar. And I know that Heavenly Father allowed me to live here in their home so that I could have that brother-type relationship and be less homesick. Sister Cummins is hilarious and a fantastic cook. I will treasure my time with the Cummins and I hope to stay in contact with them as our lives continue to evolve (Even though Brother Cummins is pretty new to the church). Seriously, you need to meet these people.
I found myself thinking this morning about where I was at this time last year. I remember I was preparing for my summer as an EFY counselor. I was touched with a tinge of [righteous] jealousy toward those who are going to be there this year. I didn't expect to love EFY as much as I did, and I hope everyone makes it even better this year. Amanda, Ryan, Tyler, Lauren and company...have the best time. Sometimes when songs from 2009 EFY shuffle into my playlist I skip past them because they are so important to me and I'm not emotionally ready to have and re-live those feelings. Weird, right? But, it's my life.

Fireflies are so beautiful! You've got to see them. I'm going to catch a bunch of them and name them after the apostles.
The best part of missionary work is, of course, the people. I miss them when I don't see them for even a few days! They are incredible and worth all of the work that is put into the missionary efforts of this church.

Umm they have Quick Trip here. For those of you unfamiliar with the QT, Think 7-11 on crack. And way better. After 3 hours of tracting/contacting in this heat/moisture all I can think about is a freezoni from the QT. [freezoni~slurpee]. I think of Sydney and Melodie every time.
Even though I'm on a mission I still daydream a lot and think about my future family. Being a mom is going to be great. I'm so blessed to be able to be on a mission; I'm learining so many things that will help me as a wife and mother! Being a woman is the best!
okay a few things:

+Mom could you get me Ryan Frandsen's address? (he's my friend on facebook)

+LOUIS PETERSON: a letter will be on the way this week!

+Sometimes when life gets hard and I think I can't go on I think of Kenneth Parcell, the NBC page from the hit show 30 Rock. One time his application to work the Beijing Olympics was due at 5 pm but someone needed his help with something right before the deadline. He thought 'duty before self' and he selflessly chose to give up what he wanted to help the greater good. I think we should all look to Kenneth Parcell as an example. He is precious.

Welp I must go, sorry I didn't tell any cool stories this time. Next week I will. Trust me, I have plenty, every day is an adventure here in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. Be good!

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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