Monday, June 28, 2010

Hot in here...

Hi! I have zero time because we are going to a science museum in the city today.


Last night we saw something called "Our Story Goes On," a production put on by the core cast of the Nauvoo Pageant. It was really great! They are all so talented. We took a recent convert and an investigator and they both loved it. Afterward we got to meet a lot of the cast, which was fun and cool. I know one of the girls from BYU! I didn't recognize here but she recognized me, and then I remembered her. It was fun to catch up. Being LDS makes our world much smaller. I remember when our family was selected to be in the Nauvoo pageant. But then we had to decide between moving to Oregon or being in the pageant and we obviously moved to Oregon. I was thinking last night about what would have happened if we had chosen the pageant. I thought of the people I would have met, the connections I would have made, the spiritual buoy it could have been for our family. But then I thought of everything that has happened to me since and I wouldn't change a moment.

People are everything.

I love the members here. Have I said that enough? I love the Thatchers and the Manumaleunas and the Severs and the Kraus' and.....It goes on and on.

We do service at this place called Gambrill Gardens. It's a really really nice retirement center. We have a 'crew' there we hang out with every week and we do stuff for them. Actually we are supposed to be doing stuff for a less-active lady that works there but we just get all that done really fast so we can go to the C building and chill with our posse. They are all my best friends. And they are all over 77. You can't live in Gambrill Gardens until you're 62. I think that's discrimination. I might start a petition. Seriously, that is the coolest living situation for....anybody! They all have their own apartments, there's so much to do all of the time (Tai Chi twice a week even!) and everyone's friends and they hang out and make fun of each other and how old they are. It would be an ideal situation for a newlywed couple or a college student. The two things most prominently in my future. I'm just saying.

I am happy! Obedience makes me happier!

Be good.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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