Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Express yourself

What a cool week! (not temperature wise, ugh). I am beginning to love this interesting little place called Arnold.

1. While visiting a less active member, we have become friends with his nephews, 12-year old Andrew and 9-year old Norman. It became known that Andrew likes Amp, which is a popular energy drink for today's youngsters. I absolutely detest the idea of energy drinks. I've made this known to Andrew and Norman. But then, I decided to use this to my advantage. We gave them a chapter to read in the scriptures with the promise of a quiz and a prize on our next visit.

Wednesday I showed up with an ice-cold Amp in hand, and Sister Anderson with quiz questions in mind. We decided to make it a game where we all compete (Andrew, Norman and I), with the winner receiving the beverage. I'm going to be honest, we were worried during the first 4 questions because they were beating me! But, alas, I won and proceeded to grab the drink from the middle of the table, run outside, open it and pour it out all over the grass.

...Have you ever been attacked by two little energy drink-crazed boys? I have. There was a little blood (not mine) but we're all okay now.
Whatever it takes to get the children into the scriptures. Next week's Amp challenge: 1 Nephi 4.

2. sitting with two awesome new investigators on Sunday, I cringed at these enthused words from the speaker: "Make no mistake, Satan. Hates. You. He HATES YOUR GUTS." True? I guess. Appropriate? Not at all.

3. Today was the best P-day EVER! We went to a member's house who is SUCH a talented beader and we beaded with her! For like, 4 hours! And we probably won't have time to get groceries for this week but that's okay because it was really fun, super relaxing, and I can't wait to show you the things I am making!! They actually look pretty good!
Spellcheck says 'beader' is not a word. I don't care. If I always did what spellcheck told me to do, my name would be chalet.

Next time the missionaries bring a new investigator to church, smother them with love. Be interested. Be over the top. Because once you do that, it might finally be enough to make someone comfortable at church for their first time. I promise. Fellowshipping is more than a handshake and a name exchange.

I'm in no way saying the people here are not good fellowshippers, I'm just asking a general favor for all of the missionaries out there who either don't get it or are too scared to say it.
Be good my little ones.

peace and love,
Sister Mcdonald
p.s. I love my mission!- Show quoted text -

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