Saturday, July 24, 2010

Once in a while.

One time I was very concerned/sad about something and my friend/District Leader Elder Christensen told me to imagine a squirrel dancing. It worked. It still does. I miss him.
Why do I miss him? Because I got stinking transferred! so out of the blue.
I am now in Arnold, Missouri. It is only about 30 minutes away from Rockwood but it is a world away from Rockwood.

My new companion's name is Sister Anderson. This is her last transfer and then she goes home. Sister Anderson is very sweet. Since this is Sister Anderson's last transfer, some would say I am 'killing' her in missionary lingo. I will never say that because I refuse to use those terms (being 'born,' referring to a trainer as a parent, etc). This is something I dislike about missionary culture. Being a missionary shouldn't have a culture. Christ should be a missionary's culture. Everything else is a distraction. (Not to mention just lame).

I left Rockwood on Wednesday morning, but I was able to travel back to attend LeRae's baptism on Saturday. I've never been happier than that singular moment. I was behind the door, waiting with the towel that would dry her brand new, perfected self. As she was immersed into that [living] water, every molecule of my body felt tingly and euphoric. I think I was floating! I miss her so much.

Being transferred was a surprise, but I am slowly recovering from the shock. I love the people here as well, although it will take a while to get to know all of them. We have several promising investigators and found 4 new ones this week! There is only one ward in Arnold, which will make some things a little easier, but will also feel a little lonely!

I receive so much help from the Lord every day. I believe in Christ, so come what may! And sometimes, just as Elissa Urban told me, you have to take it hour by hour. But you know what? It works! It works every time. Somehow things always come together and while I have experienced great sorrow I have also experienced great joy. I love Adam and Eve! They got it! They understood the point of life. I am starting to, too. Could it be that I am growing up?

Miracles happen.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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