Monday, July 12, 2010

The TV told her so

What a week.
Do you know how precious life is? I don't yet. I am young, I am learning. I'm not sure I will ever fully know this. God's comprehension can not be attained in this imperfectly mortal experience.
This was a hard week for me.

There is a man I truly love, Mike. He is in his early 60s. His 19 year old son died this week.
And while I am blessed beyond measure to know exactly where Billy is and that this is not the end, I am sad.

I am sad for Billy's father, who also knows where he is but would rather he is still here. I feel his pain in my heart. I am sad for Billy's friends and family who were wracked with the torment of uncertainty at that emotional service.

And yet, there is hope.

We read in 1 John chapter 4 that God is Love. Which means that, no matter what, there is always hope.

If life is so hard you can't stand it, don't turn to anything but God for escape. Drugs, alcohol, these will never be an answer. Temporary escapes are tantalizing but will terrorize. They are fleeting and fake. They are ungodly and unforgiving.

We are lucky to be distracted from this sadness with the planning of LeRae's baptism. It will take place on Saturday. I will be singing the special musical number on my ukulele. Blessings!

Life can feel suffocating and stale. And yet, LeRae's life has changed. She feels and even looks fresh. Crisp. Cool. Clean. And ready to conquer. We must never plateau, we must always be growing. A struggle for me. I become comfortable too easily.

Louis Peterson, the letter is actually addressed, stamped and in the mail. Forgiveness?

Chrissy, you will be the mother that all children in this troubled world need. I am so happy for you, but more for that little one. What a blessed spirit to have a family such as yours.

Venita, I love you. Thank you for your prayers, I can feel them. And Alex is home soon! Latarian Milton is also a source of strength for me here. Tell the fam hi!

I have to go! I also had a good week. But remember the sanctity of life. Remember you are lucky. Remember you are loved. Remember you are important.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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