Monday, August 23, 2010

No One to Blame

Have I ever told you there is a substantial difference in the amount of road kill in Missouri versus....the rest of the world? It's a little alarming. But mostly funny.

We moved on Saturday. No more Watters family, which saddens me. I learned a lot about how I want to run my house one day. I miss those kids!!! We are now living with an older single woman in the ward. She is sweet and so excited to have us. People are good.

I know missionaries are supposed to have a good attitude all of the time and not complain, but isn't that kind of what blogs are for? Talking about your feelings? Also, pictures of babies.
Anyway, I'm just going to say it, I detest moving. So much. I have moved more than once per transfer since the start of my mission and I am done!! I am so glad I am staying put this transfer.

Yes, we got transfer calls and I am staying in Arnold. Which was to be expected since Sister Anderson is going home on Wednesday. My new companion's name is Sister McCready And I know nothing about her. She was part of the Peoria, Illinois mission before we absorbed two of their zones in July. I am "follow-up-training" Sister McCready. Basically this means I am her second companion after her trainer and I'm pretty sure I just need to be a good example. I don't know why they are having me do anything training-ish because I am still extremely new. But whatevs, the Lord provides.

It's really weird to send a companion home. There are a lot of things involved with getting ready to go home. I think I'm trunkier than her. Maybe it's because my birthday is coming up this week and I am thinking more about my family. Maybe it's because I don't think my mission defines me or my life to this point. I see my mission as refining, not defining. Whatever the case, we haven't been the most obedient or hard-working this week. And I can honestly say that my obedience level is directly connected to my mood and my attitude.
Sometimes I think about becoming a vegetarian.

Also, Sister Watters turned me onto this awesomely delicious food called Quinoa. Have you ever had it? You should try it. She gave me some in a baggie to bring with me to Sister Fehr's. I love it! Try it?

I am so happy to be staying in Arnold. Yes, I miss Rockwood immensely, but the people here are in my heart for good too. One day, ask me about Jeff and Marge and Brandi and Ben and Sabrina and Will and Karma and the Ericksons and the Paniaguas and the Bluemels and the Gognas and the Santiagos and the Jarmans and how they've changed my life.
If I hadn't come on my mission I never would have met these people. I don't even want to think about that.

Umm Cassi Elton! I got your letter and the stationery idea is the coolest thing since someone decided to slice bread. I will write back soon!! Remember your 22 twinner birthday??!

There is a man here who is old and looks tired but kindly and I can see that he is seraching for a job online. He shouldn't have to work. He has probably worked hard his whole life [remember, people are good]. What is happening to our country?!

I got myself a pedicure for my birthday. Also I got one for Sister Anderson because she's going home and she's never had one. When I was getting my pedicure I watched a little bit of Dr. Oz. (See what I said about disobedience?!) (I rationalized that it was better than pretty much any other TV show that could have been on when we went in). Turns out you shouldn't put elmer's glue on your face. I could have told you that.

People are good, Life is important, it's the little things.
Peace and Love!
Sister Mcdonald

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