Thursday, August 19, 2010

Give a Little Bit

Today I went to the St. Louis City Museum. You should google it, this place was AWESOME. I loved it! Not really a museum at all...imagine a giant playground for grown ups made out of industrial scrap materials. I went down a 10-story slide/former garbage chute!
...then we had to walk all over downtown St. Louis trying to find our ride home's office. This was less fun. We walked so much. You have no idea. My new purple suede flats were not my best choice today. Ouch! But cute.

This week was pretty great. We were stood up quite a bit, which was sad, but there were also a lot of former investigators whom we were able to meet and start teaching again. People are good.
I've been fighting a nasty cold this week. Whoever thought I would have a cold in the middle of a muggy Missouri summer! I think I've also caught some sort of upset tummy bug. We've been taking it a little easier the last few days. It makes you feel like a bad missionary, but it's also like you have to heal so that you can become a good missionary again!

Do you know that you are important? There are people who need you! Man up, get out there and DO SOMETHING.

If what you're doing isn't doing then it's time to do something different.

I have to go! Be good, find happiness, become substantial.
Peace and Love,
Sister McDonald

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