Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Short on money but long on time...

Okay, not much time today.

Set 2 baptism dates this week! And that's not cool because of numbers. That's cool because 2 people who are incredibly important to me have decided to make the best decision of their lives. Let me be clear. Being baptized isn't the best decision of someone's life. Deciding to become a disciple of Christ is the best decison of someone's life. Learning for ones self that God's love spans time and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that Miracles are real. It's not just nice to believe. This is real life.

I am a witness to much destruction and unhappiness. I am also a witness to the infinite and transcendent power of hope and determination and to the cleansing, energizing power of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Good things.

There's this cool family, the Kraemers. I've talked about them before (Sister Kraemer is the professional beader we hang out with every P-day)(also an icredible cook)(also a wicked cool family all around). They didn't like how beat up my shoes were. I explained to them that I've tried all of the expensive, fancy types of shoes that Sister missionaries wear but they are just uncomfortable. I explained that my feet were made for cheap shoes and I love buying my shoes at places like Target. (Target is my favorite clothing store, for real). I explained that it's not that I lack the money for new shoes, I am just very picky.

We were working in a city called Fenton on Saturday. The Kraemers called and had us meet them nearby. Then they proceeded to take us into PayLess, they made me pick out two new pair of shoes, they bought them for me and then made me throw away my nasty ratty ones with holes in them and rubber soles peeling away.
Bless their hearts. I'm hip again. How cool is that?

We've had some dramatic moments this week. Lots of teaching this week. Good things are happening. I really really like my mission.

Also, Mom I know I promised you I would never do this again, but I had to teach a lesson this week and get the attention of my teach-ees. I blew fire. It was a hit. It turns out, you can be yourself and be a missionary. You have no idea how many times I've used sidewalk chalk, fire, cinnamon rolls, and other things to teach memorable lessons. I dig it.

The Preach my Gospel Members program is AWESOME!!!!! Several of the families are really working at it and it shows. It is so cool to go into these homes of people who are just like you and me, trying to keep going day to day, and hear them and their children speaking our missionary language. It is awesome.

There is this one family, the Paniaguas (bread and water for you Spanish fiends out there). They have the coolest parents and kids. Just a neat family. Anyway, we pulled up, said a prayer, and as we got out of the car and were walking toward the house the youngest boy (age 6) runs outside, jumping up and down, shouting "I know 'em all! I know 'em all! I know 'em all!"
[this is the same kid who was teaching us a card game a few weeks ago, and when he got the dreaded Ace of spades rolled around on the floor sighing "Ay ay ay!"] [I love the Paniaguas!!].

Do you 'know 'em all' from last week?

Well, here are this weeks:
Lesson 2:
Pre-earth Life: God's Purpose and Plan for UsThe CreationAgency and the Fall of Adam and EveOur Life on EarthThe AtonementThe Spirit WorldThe Resurrection, Judgment, and ImmortalityKingdoms of Glory

...can you do it? I know you can. This one's easier. Next week's is even easier!!

Okay I must go I am running late!

Be good, see good, hear good, do good.

Peace and Love,

Sister McDonald

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