Thursday, September 09, 2010

Just like the Moon

They have crazy storms here. Thunder, lightning, it's a regular Garth Brooks song! (less heart break and twang). It is so cool. It almost makes the humidity worth it. What am I saying?!
We've had less humidity this week. Fall is starting. I can tell I'm getting older because I talk about the weather more.

I don't have much time today. Know that things are good. Know that you are important. Know that you are powerful. If you want to develop these attributes, fake it 'till you make it. You don't know you can do stuff until you do it. Then the realization hits and you can feel God's approval. It's a really beautiful thing.

I love what my best friend Sydney said to me in her e-mail today:
"While I am a very big advocate for culture, I do know that in orderto be an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaySaints you have to defy your culture"
Wherever you live, however you identify yourself, make Christ your culture.

The Cardinals game was good. We lost. We did not sing the national anthem. I'm okay with that. After the game the Kraemer's took us to Ted Drewe's. (Look it up). Pretty good stuff.

I love being a missionary! But you can be one too, black tag or not.
FELLOWSHIPPING is important. Do it. Over do it. To the Max.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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