Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't turn around

Have I told you how beautiful Missouri is? The leaves are changing and I've even caught a few in the act of falling.

In a few weeks we are going to try a new finding strategy I thought of. We are going to go to this park that many people drive past on the way into a huge subdivision with a sign that says something to the effect of: "Have the Mormon Missionaries rake your leaves." We will be standing next to the sign holding rakes. It's so crazy it just might work. All I know is that if what you're doing isn't working you need to do something different.

Sometimes people in public libraries have their headphones turned up way too loud.

In other news, we scheduled a baptism date with an investigator this week! What an exciting thing. I will not attempt to describe the elation I feel. It would be vain and ineffective. Just know that someone I love so completely has made the best decision of her life.

In my correspondence home I never talk about our investigators, really. This is kind of on purpose. You know how we don't use God's name too much because He is so special and important that we would never want it to become vain or disrespected? You know how the things we learn in the temple aren't secret, just sacred? You know how sometimes you don't want to share special things with just anyone for fear of their misunderstanding or [even unintentional] disrespect?
...Yeah. That applies to me and the people I teach. It's not like my family and friends are ravenous, repugnant swine in front of whom I would never cast my precious pearls. It's just...these people are so important, so precious to me that my articulation in describing them would need to be flawless and then your understanding perfect. Does this make sense?

Well, little ones, continue becoming. Never be stagnant. Never Plateau. There are earthquakes in diverse places...we don't have time to plateau. Remember that what you do is a large part of who you are. Remember that the temple is important.

Be good, find happiness, repeat.
Peace and Love
Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

families are forever said...

I want to see a picture of you with your sign and rakes, I see it in my head and you look so adorable! Great idea, keep up the great work!