Monday, October 18, 2010

Werewolf Barmitvah, Spooky Scary!

I love tracting this time of year because I love all of the Halloween decorations! I've never had the appreciation for Halloween that I've been developing this year. Exciting things.
I get to be in charge of a Zone P-Day Halloween party this year. It has been fun to plan! It will be next Monday and I can't wait. Also, I've pre-designed my pumpkin and I think it will be pleasing to the eye and the funny bone.

Laura got the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday! It was awesome.

One new investigator last week and hopefully many more to come this week.
We met a cool family, the Dews, that taught us a really fun game called "it came to Pass." It's funny and fun....the definition of my life. Also they remind me of what my parents' marriage might have been like at the beginning. They have a cool future, because my family has a cool past. Does this make sense?

Sister McCready is awesome. We get along really well and she is good for me. I love her.
We went to the Magic House this week, which is a museum just for children in the city. It was really cool. We went with this really cool family that have the cutest little girl. There are so many cute kids in this ward! I love kids!!!

I went on and created my own profile! It's really cool, you should go check it out and make one! St. Louis is one of the 9 test-areas for the church's new advertising campaign. I love it. We have these really awesome pass-along cards and are getting more questions on doorsteps about all of the commercials. Sweetness.

We are late to go hang out with the Jarmans, another way rad family with cool kids! We are going to hang and craft with Sister Jarman for the few hours we have left of P-day.
Keep working hard and being good. Aim for the temple. And if you've already been, do everything you can to go this week. Heavenly Father wants to help you in your life. Just help Him and His other children out a bit and then LISTEN.

Peace and Love,
Sister McDonald

1 comment:

amandadimmick said...

CHAELA! I love the title of this post aaanndd the post! :)