Friday, October 15, 2010

Waiting Ever Patiently

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, our e-mailing schedule is controlled by the Jefferson County Public Library System. Thank you Federal Holidays! Don't get me wrong, I love Christopher Columbus, 1492 and all that, I'm just saying, how do we really know he discovered America on a Monday?

As always, my time today is limited. I will just tell you about my AMAZING weekend.
Friday night. A formerly less-active man in our ward went through the temple for the first time. Immediately following, he was sealed to his wife and his baby for time and all eternity.
I have never attended a sealing before Friday night. My life is forever changed.

That is what this is all about.

I exhort you, with all of the feelings of a tender sister missionary[1 Nephi 8:37], if you have not been to the temple, get there. It is worth every sacrifice, every effort, every tear-laden repentant prayer. I promise.

Sunday night. Laura's baptism. It was incredible. The spirit was there. My fellow missionaries were there in support. My fellow member-missionaries were there in support. Laura was born again through the Priesthood authority of God. This is big stuff, people.

These things are real. They are big. Don't get caught up into your empirically limited definitions.
Think of Columbus' contemporaries. They looked at stuff and decided that, from what they could see, the earth was flat. But that never made the earth flat. Their theory didn't change the truth.
Don't look at stuff and decide, from what you can see, that you know best. You don't. Your theories can not change what is true.

I have to go now. It's time to be a missionary. And I love it!

Be good my little ones!
Peace and Love,
Sister McDonald

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