Monday, November 01, 2010

And looking down on creation

happy November!

Have I told you how beautiful Missouri is in the Fall?
I have a strong belief that all jigsaw puzzles that are pictures of beautiful landscapes were taken in Missouri. It just makes sense.

Things here are going well. We had an awesome training by some brethren from the MTC all day Friday. It was exactly what I needed to re-lift my spirits and my fire for missionary work.
Obedience is again my quest.

We have a 'Sister's Conference' this week...a 2 day event at the mission home for all of the sister missionaries in the mission. I am not looking forward to that too much, as I would rather be in my own area working. We are missionaries, regardless of our gender, and I don't feel I need more attention or coddling than the Elders get. Plus, sister missionaries are weird. And I have to be around them for a long time this week.

Don't get me wrong, I love all of God's children. I just like seeing some of them less than others.
(I'm imperfect).

Yesterday I hit my 7-month mark. Weird. It feels like it should be longer. It also feels like it just begun.

Have you done any good in the world today?
Remember, your life is not about you. The more you make your life not about you, the happier you will feel. This is a promise. From God. in the scriptures. Look it up. Then DO IT.

Also, check out:
it is the blog of a faithful, beautiful sister in the Arnold ward. I want to be like her when I grow up. You can see her shining, Savior-like countenance a mile away. So good, so good.

I love you! Be still to know that He is God. And he loves you. And you are important.

Write me?
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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