Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm wide awake


So, a few things.

1. I was wrong about sisters' conference. It was awesome. Sister Clark planned it perfectly. We had a ton of fun and were uplifted. And I forgot that there's a few of the sisters I like. I went well. Have I ever mentioned how much I love the Clarks? I love the Clarks.

2. I got to attend the temple this week! It is a house of God. A place of love and beauty.

3. Have you ever had that feeling like there was someone waiting for you to find them? Someone who needed what you had? We are trying feverishly to be in the right place at the right time to change that person's life. Prayers?

4. Transfers next week! Will I stay? Will I go? It's a mystery (and that's why so is mankind).

5. I decided to read the bible all the way through. I've read the New Testament twice on my mission but now it's time to bite the bullet. My heart and I soared through Genesis and Exodous. What nourishment! Leviticus was a labor of love. Numbers is proving to add to my soul. I'll keep you posted.

There is a lot of paperwork involved in being a missionary. I never expected that. There are a lot of numbers. But behind each number there is a person. A real person. With a real life and real questions about their very existence. I can't wait to add #3 to that list of numbers on my paperwork.

Pray. He is there. Speak. He is listening.
As a child of God I've learned this truth.

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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