Thursday, January 06, 2011

And a Happy New Year.

'm ready for Christmas 2011. Is it here yet?

I've never been goal oriented. The mission helps you be moreso, especially numbers-wise. But I want to really grow and strive this next year. goals will help me with that. I will prayerfully make 7 goals for 2011. I will share these with you next week. Will you do the same?

Merry Christmas, and thank you all for your letters, notes and prayers. I had a wonderful Christmas, despite the distance.

The best part [aside from the phone call home, of course] happened on Thursday, the 23rd. My companion and I went with Sister Fehr and 10 other missionaries up to the city and sang Christmas carols on a busy, bustling sidewalk outside of Macy's Department Store. As we sang and handed out pass-along cards and gift-wrapped Book of Mormons, my heart again felt the reality of our announcement of the Saviour's birth. Inside the cover of each Book of Mormon, a testimony was written. A plea was made to come forth, break free, be healed and become a witness of His miracles and His mercy. Cool, cool stuff.

I am getting a new companion tomorrow. Sister McCready is leaving Arnold. I was here before her so we were all pretty sure I would leave, but alas the Lord has other plans and I will see to it that I carry them out to the best of my ability. I have grown to love Sister McCready and wish her well. I am excied to receive Sister Henke, and will welcome her with warmth and zeal for this work. Here we go!

It's time to let go of everything we used to know; ideas that strengthen who we've been. It's time to cut ties that won't ever free our minds from the chains and shackles that they're in. Truth is absolute. The earth is round. God is real. You are important. Act like it. Tell others.

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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