Thursday, January 06, 2011

Wrapped up in American Dreams.

Shalom and Happy New Year!!

Things for me are going really well. I am so blessed, so grateful.

I hit my 9-month mark this past week, weird!

Guess what? I have TWO companions now! And I absolutely love them both. It is awesome.

I am now in a Threesome...commonly called a 'tri-panionship' in missionary lingo. I knew I would be getting Sister Henke, Sister Yawn was more of a surprise. Her companion went home sick so she's here with us this transfer! I have no idea why President/The Lord put me as the senior companion over these two amazing missionaries. I got so complacent with sister McCready. It's cool to be working, really working, again. I have so much to re-learn.

Sister Yawn is so so so cool. We would most definitely be friends with her in the outside world. So funny, so chill. She loves Yoga and every morning she instructs us. It's like our own little personal Yoga class!

Sister Henke is neat, she dresses SO well!!! Like, super cute you have no idea. She is beautiful and FOCUSED. It's nice, she's a good balance to Sister Yawn and I.

No time left, but lots to say!

Maybe next week. I will have my 7 goals finalized by then to share. (I only have six right now! Any suggestions?)

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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