Monday, February 07, 2011

Life is a Song 01/10/11

I am so happy, doing so well.

We are trying new and different finding ideas. We had a free hot chocolate stand this week!

We also took brooms and mops and windex and stuff door to door and asked people if we could clean their floors and windows.

We also signed up to have our own display in the entry-way to the public library to advertise! We get it for an entire month!

We also are planning a family movie night on January 27th at 6:30 pm. We'll be showing "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration," serving free popcorn [donated by a local movie theatre] and drinks [donated by McDonald's]! Everyone is to invite a friend or a family they know, and bring pillows and blankets to watch the movie on!

What do you think?

It's just, there are different ways to find other than tracting. Tracting is inefficient [and extremely cold lately!] Plus, it's not our job to find it's our job to teach so we are trying to enable the members to be better finders by providing them ways to introduce their friends to the gospel in less-threatening settings.

Exciting times here in Arnold. I never want to leave.

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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