Thursday, March 10, 2011

I thought I saw you breathing.

I haven't had much time to 'blog' this transfer.

Whatever the case, I must share with you a tender mercy of the Lord that dawned on me as I moved to Champaign.

As I was riding in a van full of missionaries from familiar St. Louis to our new homes in Champaign, Illinois, I was struck by a thought. I will be in Illinois for Casimir Pulaski Day. The one March I will spend on my mission, I happen to be in Illinois. I will legitimately celebrate Casimir Pulaski day. Further proof that Heavenly Father is aware of me and intimately involved in my happiness. Further proof that Jesus Christ is alive and well and very aware of what is happening today; with each of us.

The tune danced through my head as I watched the rolling hills fade to pure flatlands. I glanced up and read a sign. I was, in fact, passing Decatur, Illinois. My heart swollen, my spirit lifted, I said a prayer of thanks for such a personal sign of The Savior's love. All things go.

For those of you who don't know, you should. Sufjan Stevens wrote an album called "Come on, Feel the Illinioise."

I am experiencing that album this transfer. This place is so deep, so rich, I feel like I could write an album of my own.

Next time I write it will be Casimir Pulaski day. Blessings!

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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