Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Checking it twice

All of this talk of Christmas and Santa, it helped me decide to document a few of my own lists...ones I've been making in my head for months.

Things I could live without, but would rather not.
grapefruit spoons
mission scriptures
seasonal drinking straws
Visiting Teaching
chocolate/mint ANYTHING.
LUSH products [especially the karma komba shampoo bar] 
competitive cooking shows
'Baron Von Baddie and the Ice Ray Incident'

Things that didn't exist before my mission that exist now that intimidate me.
Justin Bieber
hashtags (what is that?)
"The Dougie"
Grown-up callings
The iPad
Lady GaGa
Pressure to be married
3D Televisions


luvnmy10 said...

Chaela, I need you to come to Orlando and visit me. Seriously, I would love it, we all would, and it is pretty and warm here. So, what do you say? Just for the record, I am 48 and I am still intimidated by "grown up" callings! Not so much by Justin bieber, but drfinitely the word "shawdy" scares me!

Christine Chioma said...

Chaela! I just got back from my mission! and then randomly found your blog again! small world!

so many things intimidate me now! adjusting is nutsy