Friday, February 13, 2009

The celesital kingdom is not limited enrollment.

As I was taking my backpack, etc. off my bed tonight so I could climb in and catch some Z's (American for 'sleep') I noticed that I have a never-been-opened, mint condition copy of the Daily Universe in my bag from every day this week plus Thursday and Friday of last week. Do you understand what this means? This means that I have been so busy that I have not read any news for an entire week. I have no idea what's going on in the world! It's kind of a strange feeling. I know that I don't like it very much because when I get too busy it's way too easy to get wrapped up in myself, my life, my immediate surroundings, and other things that are me-related. I don't really like being so focused on me. It's not very fulfilling.

Don't get me wrong, busy is not necessarily a bad thing. Too busy is a bad thing. We often over complicate life. I'm not sure the exact reasons and it's probably different for everyone, but a large contributor is this need we sometimes feel to 'measure up.' We either want to keep up with the Jones' or beat the Jones' to the finish line. It's so important to remember that happiness, success and fulfillment are not limited-enrollment. Just because someone else is feeling those things doesn't mean there's one less spot for me. I guess you could say happiness is spot-less. Enmity really is the basis of many of the world's problems today. Enmity is the reason I dislike celebrity. It's the reason people have abortions. It's everywhere. Sometime I will give you my spiels about celebrity and abortion. Tonight I am too tired. Instead you should read (or re-read) this talk. It's pretty iconic.

Today was an interesting day. It was totally awesome, but very interesting. I'll sum it up quickly:

Got up. Good hair day. Went to class. It was New Testament. Sat by my friend in that class Trent. We ate CareBears fruit snacks. I think Trent should ask me out. Next up undergraduate seminar. The speaker was my New Testament teacher. Which is kind of funny. I didn't mind. He is a fantastic teacher who blows my mind on a regular basis. I can't wait to be a teacher. Storyboarded for the Egypt photography competition. Went back to the creepy underpass to practice the shots/make our own real storyboard. It was snowing. No coat. Dumb. I survived. Got home. Studied for a test. Did some schoolwork. My friend Creighton calls. He's in town. (He's from Logan). Wants to hang out. I say 'of course!' Creighton flips cars for money. His last purchase was a limousine. A man hired him to be his personal driver. He paid to have Creighton's limo totally decked out. Creighton was doing a wedding in Provo. He picked me up in a limo. He looked great. Opens the door for me. I ride in the back. This thing is incredible! I get to experience the sound system. Better than you're imagining right now. He let me pick the music. Elton John and old-school Mariah Carey have never sounded better. We go to K-mart. In a limo. We buy spray paint. He takes me home. I make some food. I go back to school. I have a photo shoot. My friends are running for BYUSA something. They asked me to take pictures. I did. We started at 10. I got home at 12:30. I've been looking at pictures. my vision gets blurry. I decide to go to bed. I do some reading. I clean off my bed. I find all of the Daily Universes. I decide to get online and participate in one of my favorite pastimes. Looking at every CNN headline page and ctrl+T'ing the life out of the stories and then reading all 20 billion tabs one right after the other. I decide to write in my blog about Creighton's limo.

CNN might have to wait. I want to turn on my space-heater, get under the covers, and dream about limo rides and what it would be like if Elton John had been singing his love songs to a woman instead of a man. goodnight! Remember who you are, make good choices, and stop comparing yourself. Don't forget that you're pretty fantastic regardless of what other people can say or do.


Unknown said...

oh, ctrl+T... i love.

when i was little, i'd dance around my room to elton john and pretend he was my boyfriend singing to me. little did i know...

jewels said...

Chaela!! Make sure your space heater isn't next to anything that might catch fire!! I love you!

annie moffat karcher said...

Chaela, I love you and your posts are always so refreshing and relaxing. I'm always looking to see if you have anything new on your blog.

Sam L said...

Hey dude, OMG, the little CAPTCHA (word I have to type in to prove that I'm human) is "MORMIN" isn't that hillarious.

ANYWAY, I would love your input in my Is knowledge finite?" question.


families are forever said...

I enjoyed your blog, you are so cute! I loved your mom's comment too, just like something I'd say to my kids, It is such a Mom thing. love ya Danette