Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How old is too old to have a crush on Zac Efron?

I think a really great date would be to make no bake cookies and then watch Beauty and the Beast. In fact, I think that may be the best date ever. Also, Hercules may be substituted for Beauty and the Beast.

I kind of hate the 'creative date.' You know, the ones where you fingerpaint a picture of the other person and then describe it to the group with adjectives that only start with the letter of their first name. And then you make cookies with your hands tied behind your back and then deliver them to old people who would rather you weren't blocking the television and may have already put away their teeth for the night.

I'm in extreme limbo right now, living with my roommate's parents whilst I wait to drive home for the rest of Spring term. I love my roommate, I love her parents, I love my family that is here visiting and I love the friends I've seen while I've been in limbo. But the Catholics were right about this place, it kind of stinks. I'm ready to belong somewhere again.

The nice things about a home:
-a mom
-a fireplace
-water from the front of the fridge
-also, ice
-no engaged roommates
-smells good
-the kitchen has all of the random spices/ingredients that you need for a new or different recipe
-the kitchen has more than one pan
-the kitchen has more than one pot
-mom and dad's bed

I have also always wanted to go on a date to a paint-your-own pottery place. It seems like a great way to get to know someone.

I'm very excited for the next month of my life. I will be completing projects right and left and I can't wait! '05 out.


Ashley said...

I am excited to be on a business adventure with you! I will miss you while you are away. yay g chat!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

Solution for when you have engaged room mates again: use the one pot or pan to bang together so everyone knows when you are entering a room. (I think I should have done this all fall and winter semester with my three engaged room mates)

I'm sure this may save you some awkward moments, who knows, but probably won't make you feel any less in limbo or homesick. You'll be a great EFY councilor, I wish you had been mine! :)

mustdestroyalltraces said...

you can never be too old to have a crush on zac--you can only be too young to really love him.

and how could you possibly replace beauty and the beast with hercules?

Unknown said...

Hehe I like Autumn's idea for engaged roommates. And, by the way, you can never be too old to have a crush on Zac Efron. That's my policy. I'm with you on the limbo thing, and it's not the only thing the Catholics got right.