Thursday, June 10, 2010

I told you to be balanced

First, I must say that I am so grateful the saints moved on from Missouri and ended up in Utah. If BYU had been established here, I would refuse to attend solely because of the weather. Dramatic? Maybe. Honest? Incredibly. And I'm told it will get much worse. I hope the second coming happens before August.

Things this week were good. Really good. Still no new investigators which is hard, but lots of tracting, teaching, and Less-Active/Member visits. Every person I meet in Missouri is my favorite person in Missouri. I can't help it.

This week we've been alternating Tae-Bo and Yoga DVDs in the mornings. I don't hate it. The public library is awesome. After we're done here we're going to pick out some new work out videos! When you're a missionary, it's the little things. When I'm a mom I'm going to take my kids to the library ALL of the time. I remember going there a lot when I was a kid. And I loved it. Thanks, mom.

Umm, newsflash, I am getting fat! Before I was just chubby--pleasingly plump-- but now I am getting fat! So it's being reversed. Post haste. By portion control and learning to say NO when people want you to eat more and more of their food [and desserts]. Also Billy Blanks is helping. What's wrong with his eye? Someone needs to teach him about the resurrection.

One of my favorite things lately is popsicles. 'Jolly Rancher' flavored Popsicles, in fact. The perfect treat. 45 calories, loaded with flavor. Try them. Let me know what you think.

Another one of my favorite things is when people tell us they are Christians right as they slam the door in our face. I'm finding it really funny. It's happening a lot. I would have to say that
Catholics are nicer than most of the other denominations.

I don't have a problem with getting my feelings hurt or anything when people aren't interested in my message. I'm giving them an option and they will either say yes or no. That's it. They may not say it very nicely, but really they're just saying no. My problem is that I am so sad for them as they do that. My soul aches for them to come into the fold of Jesus Christ and be baptized by one holding the priesthood authority of God. I know how happy they could become. It fills me with sorrow when they turn that happiness--God's happiness--away.

As sands in the hourglass, so are the days of my life. I miss my family and friends. But I am happy and content and loving Romans 12:1-2. Look it up?

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Chaela, I love you. Fact. Remember when you used to tell people that you served your mission in Brazil and say that one phrase you knew in Portuguese? Good trick. Now you are actually out there! (Well, not in Brazil, but you know what I mean.) Amazing.