Tuesday, July 06, 2010

line upon line

Imagine somebody left a really hot shower on in a small bathroom with no fan. Imagine that really hot shower stayed on in that small bathroom with no fan for seven years and then you walked into it. Now, imagine tracting in that.
Welcome to Missouri.

Haha! I jest. But really. It's hot here.

Ok, I know I say this every time but I really have no time today. We are leaving in 5 minutes to go have lunch at a member's house with one of our investigators. For our lesson we are going to act out the parable of the Good Samaritan. I made cute nametags this morning for everyone to wear so everyone has a part in our little skit. It will be very fun.

The Fourth of July was....uneventful really. We went to a barbecue with a lot of people who were all weary of the Mormon missionaries. But we made some friends and potential investigators. Then we got all set up to watch the fireworks from this really cool hill they have on their property but we had to leave before the fireworks even started to get home on time. Sad day, right? But I am learning more and more that your mood and your success as a missionary are directly connected to your obedience. Also, even though I sprayed with bug spray, I apparently missed my feet. I got over 40 mosquito/chigger bites on my feet alone. I woke myself that night scratching to death! Luckily Sister Thurber was already awake (I hope I never suffer from insomnia) and we played Nertz until I was distracted from the itching enough to go back to bed. She is a good person. I love my companion a lot.

The move went fine. We are officially in our new apartment. And even though I miss the Cummins, it is really nice to have our own place.

I will meet our new mission president on Thursday. Can't wait!
Alma 26:12.

I love you. I pray for you.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

luvnmy10 said...

Chaela, the Dimmicks are always praying for you, our other sister/daughter. I love reading of your experiences as a missionary. Lucky Missourians to have you--do they know this!? Keep up all your good hard work. The fall will be here before you know it and it will be cooler. John is getting so big--19 months and sooo fun. Love you, Chrissy's mom!