Monday, August 30, 2010

And Wiser, too!

Thank you everyone for all of the birthday greetings!

I had a great 23rd birthday here in St. Louis. Want to hear about it? [rhetorical]

Well Friday was my actual birthday but the festivities started Wednesday.
My first gift was from President Clark. I got a new companion! [Sister Breanne McCready from Fresno, CA]. She's cool.

That evening we had dinner at the Watters [see earlier posts regarding how cool this family is]. When we arrived there were balloons on the table! For me! Karma made a delicious dinner containing the ingredient I requested, avocados. Then I got to open my card from them and my birthday package from home. The kids helped me open it and we had a lot of fun with all of the cool stuff inside. Then, it turns out my Mom had conspired with Karma to get me a HUGE cake from a local bakery! Karma loaded it up with 23 candles, they sang to me, and I got to blow them out! Then we had cake and ice cream. I felt so special.

Friday began with happy birthday phone calls from a bunch of cool people in our ward, LeRae and Matti, some investigators, a few random elders, et cetera. It took a weird turn when we spent the morning at a funeral, where I played the piano and said the benediction. Then Sister McCready and I went out to lunch at Chili's and I got a free dessert but better than the ones where they just give it to you because it's your birthday, it was one of the good ones. You see, I made friends with the guy up front when we got there. Turns out he was the manager. No big deal [huge deal]. They didn't want to sing to me but finally I got them to. Then weekly planning and some stop bys where we handed out slices of birthday cake, and then we went to the Coxes for dinner where I made a make-shift Hawaiian Chicken Pasta Salad [my favorite birthday dinner]. We ate some more cake.

THEN, we went to Leigh's house. Leigh is this cute little girl in our ward [this ward takes the cake for cute little girls]. Leigh is, in a word, magical. She is so funny and grown up but little. You'd have to meet her. Anyway, Leigh and I have the same exact birthday! Her mom only does parties every other year, so this year her 'party' was to have Sister Mcdonald over for cake. She had been waiting for us all day and by the time we got there (7:15) she was about to burst with excitement. We lit up her 5 candles and sang to her. She blew them out. They lit up her 5 candles again and sang to me! She helped me blow them out. Then we ate delicious strawberry cake. Then we got to open presents. Leigh got a car for her doll house. She was so excited she fell off her chair!! We all laughed a lot. We felt a little bad but we mostly just laughed. I got this really cool thing Leigh's mom made. it's like a candy bouquet with a base of bottles of diet coke. but it's ADORABLE. I took a picture. You need to see it. She is so crafty. I love her.

Finally, we went to the Kraemers where Ben was having a sleep-over with a bunch of his friends. We made all of these16-17 year old buys stop playing super smash brothers so they could sing to me and then I gave them what was left of my cake (don't worry mom, I ate plenty of it!)
I was exhausted! But it was really a great birthday. I'm not going to be eating any cake for a really long time.
Well, my time is almost up.
The mission part of my mission is going well. We are always struggling to add to our teaching pool, but we have several investigators who are progressing toward baptism. You have no idea how much joy fills your heart as you help people receive the restored gospel.
Also, this Saturday is Mormon Night at Busch Stadium! I love how that sounds...Mormon Night at Busch Stadium. President and Sister Clark planned it! We get to go the the Cardinals game! And apparently it's an important one...[I have no idea]. We are playing the Cincinatti Reds. Also, we get to meet the players before the game! So, yes, this week I will meet Alex Pujohls. (Is that how you even spell it? Is that even his name?) There is some talk of us missionaries singing the national anthem too but I don't know how true that is.

I will feel guilty at the ball game when I should be working. But since the mission president planned it, I guess it's cool! We'll just have to work extra hard this week leading up to Saturday.
My thought this week comes from 1 Peter 4:15. Mind your own business, people. Make sure you and yours are okay and right with God and then help others, always withholding judgment. Don't ask too many questions. Just serve and love.

I love the Lord, I love being His servant. It's hard, but I know who my Father is and I know that
I can do hard things.
Be good!
Peace and Love,
Sister McDonald


Unknown said...

Oh Chaela. I'm sure Albert Pujols will be thrilled to meet you ;)

families are forever said...