Tuesday, September 21, 2010

giving the peace sign.

I love September. I love fall leaves and crisp air and school supplies. One day I want to send someone a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.

[I also love September 20th because it is my niece Marissa's birthday! Happy Birthday little one! I miss you!]

This week was great! a high school football game, an incredible stake conference [where our investigator sang in the choir!] And uplifting zone conference, crazy thunder storms, and lots of preaching. We also moved into an apartment this week! It all feels very primitive, as all we have is our beds, one lamp and disposable eating utensils. It's fun! What other time in my life will I do something like this? We're getting stuff from the mission and ward members this week, but in the meantime it's fun to take the lamp from room to room, eat meals [cereal] criss-cross-applesauce, and try to febreze out the smell of cigarette smoke. Adventures! In case you can't tell, I'm loving it. (!!)

My goal this week is more exact obedience.

I often have thoughts of "when I get home, I will..." And then I think of the ways I will implement living the gospel, the ways I will parent, how I will spend my time, etc. My suggestion to you return missionaries is to think about all of those inward commitments you made. Have you gone to the temple as often as you promised yourself? Have you been bold in sharing the gospel as often as you could? Have you implemented the gospel study techniques you planned?
In the premortal world, I committed to come here. I committed to come to the earth. To experience hard times, sadness, pain, sorrow. I committed to do it because I knew it was worth it.

We stress commitments so much as missionaries. Our investigators can't progress or grow unless they follow through with their commitments, and they can't follow through with their commitments unless we first invite them to commit to do something.

Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan, and invited you and me to commit to it. We did. We can't progress grow unless we keep that commitment. And maybe we didn't realize how hard it would be or maybe now that we're here we'd rather give up. But I've seen how keeping commitments works. It changes people. I want my image displaced completely from my countenance so that those who look to me just see Him.

We can do hard things. Remember who you are, and what you've committed to do.
Life is short, little ones. Keep becoming. Find joy.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sister McDonald!

You are great! We miss you terribly, but are so excited and jealous of your many adventures. Have fun and stay you! Until next time my lady friend.